Alexandru Ș. BOLOGA1


1 Prof., PhD, Full member of Academy of Romanian Scientists (



Abstract. This bilingual monograph has been published by the Publishing House of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, Bucharest, 414 pp, in 2022.

The Foreword belongs to Ph.D. biologist Valeria Abaza, Director General of the National Institute for Marine Research and Development “Grigore Antipa” Constanța.


Content: Introduction, 1. The Black Sea - About scientific research on the Black Sea, Brief general characterization, Water balance, currents and vertical distribution, Eutrophication, Fishing, Biodiversity, Invasive species, Political guidelines, Final considerations, Selective bibliographic marks, Some aphorisms, The main contemporary research institutions around the Black Sea, International organizations that also target the Black Sea and Sea of Azov, 2. Founders of Romanian marine research - Emil Racovitza, Grigore Antipa, Ioan Borcea, Maria S. Celan, Ileana Cautiș, 3. Marine research structures along the Romanian littoral prior to the establishment of the National Marine Research Institute at Constanța - „Professor Ioan Borcea” Marine Zoological Station (Agigea), Bio-Oceanographic Institute / „Dr. Grigore Antipa” Fishery Research Station Constanța), Biology sector of  „Traian Săvulescu” Institute of Biology (Bucharest-Constanța), Hydro-meteorological Station Sulina, Marine sedimentology labora`tory, 4. The National Institute for Marine Research and Development “Grigore Antipa” - The Romanian Marine Research Institute,  Rear Admiral Eng. Constantin Tomescu, Commander Jacques-Yves Cousteau at Constanța, The visit of the delegates of the Romanian Marine Research Institute in the USA, Hopes for new naval equipment, The creation of the National Salvation Front at the Romanian Marine Research Institute from Constanța on December 25, 1989, The National Institute for Marine Research and Development ”Grigore Antipa” and its Semicentennial (2020), 5. The Romanian research at over 100 years, 6. Romania and the cooperation with the International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea, 7. The Bystroe navigation canal in relation to the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve and the Black Sea ecosystem, Stories from abroad, References, Selective bibliography in the mass media, Acknowledgements, Index of authors, Index of terms, 5 Annexes.

The volume is illustrated by 89 black / white and colored figures.

It is followed by reviews in Romanian and English.


Keywords: The Black Sea, marine sciences, National Institute for Marine Research and Development “Grigore Antipa”, Romania, Constanța.





Abstract Article                                                    Volume 11 No 2 – 2022